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In evidenza, Area stampa

The construction sector is a cornerstone of the EU economy. It contributes around 9% of the EU’s GDP and provides direct employment to 18 million people and indirectly supports 24.2 million jobs. This sector in the EU is made up of approximately 5.3 million businesses, with over 99% of them being small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This highlights its significant role in driving economic growth and providing employment opportunities across Europe. But, its impact extends beyond economics, addressing critical social, climate, and energy challenges.KEY CHALLENGES FACING THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR IN EUROPE.ImprovingSEE DETAILS </sp...

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In evidenza, Area stampa

On 2 May, Cartan Trade announced the appointment of Sébastien Guidoni as its new CEO. With over 23 years’ experience in transformation and acceleration acquired in a wide variety of roles within major insurance groups and start-ups, this appointment promises to accelerate growth and open up new perspectives for the company.—Sébastien Guidoni shares Cartan Trade’s new roadmap with us.When I joined Cartan Trade a few months ago as COO, and now as CEO, I was impressed by how quickly the company has grown after just 2 years in existence andSEE DETAILS

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In evidenza, Area stampa

Launched 2 years ago and led by Eric Lenoir, Cartan Trade has established itself in the credit insurance market by adding capacity through a new, simplified, innovative and relevant product offering.This project was completed in record time. Cartan Trade now has a solid and recognised team, rapidly proving its credibility in France, Benelux, Italy and the United Kingdom. Today, Cartan Trade is opening a new chapter in its history with an ambitious new plan for the coming years. In this context, the Board has decided to appoint Sebastien Guidoni, COO for theSEE DETAILS

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In questo caso d’uso troverete: ◆ Perché i grossisti IT hanno bisogno di capacità aggiuntive?◆ Quali sono i vantaggi della soluzione Top Up di Cartan Trade?◆ Come funziona la soluzione Unlock Plus? Seguiteci su LinkedIn per ulteriori notizieCompilate il modulo e scaricate il caso d’uso: Avviso: JavaScript è obbligatorio per questo contenuto.

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Caso d'uso, In evidenza

CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, nazionali e locali specialisti dell’Assicurazione del Credito Commerciale. Una partecipazione molto calorosa, il team di Cartan Trade Italia , insieme ai membri del Comitato Esecutivo del gruppo (Alice de Brem ; Eric Lenoir ; Christophe Pennellier ; Sébastien Guidoni), hanno ospitato oltre 60 partecipanti all’evento annuale che si e’ tenuto al Museo Storico dell’ Alfa Romeo 🏎️, il luogo simbolo di un’eccellenza italiana , dove il PASSATO e il FUTUROSEE DETAILS ...

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In evidenza

The construction sector in Europe

3 Ottobre 2024

The construction sector is a cornerstone of the EU economy. It contributes around 9% of the EU’s GDP and provides direct employment to 18 million peop...

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New roadmap for Cartan Trade following the appointment of Sébastien Guidoni as CEO

10 Maggio 2024

On 2 May, Cartan Trade announced the appointment of Sébastien Guidoni as its new CEO. With over 23 years’ experience in transformation and accel...

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Change of CEO – a new phase for Cartan Trade

2 Maggio 2024

Launched 2 years ago and led by Eric Lenoir, Cartan Trade has established itself in the credit insurance market by adding capacity through a new, simp...

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Caso d’uso – IT Electronics

17 Aprile 2024

In questo caso d’uso troverete: ◆ Perché i grossisti IT hanno bisogno di capacità aggiuntive?◆ Quali sono i vantaggi della soluzione Top Up...

Caso d'uso

CARTAN TRADE ITALIA – il nostro 1 anno insieme !

22 Dicembre 2023

CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, naziona...