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Launched 2 years ago and led by Eric Lenoir, Cartan Trade has established itself in the credit insurance market by adding capacity through a new, simplified, innovative and relevant product offering.

This project was completed in record time. Cartan Trade now has a solid and recognised team, rapidly proving its credibility in France, Benelux, Italy and the United Kingdom. 

Today, Cartan Trade is opening a new chapter in its history with an ambitious new plan for the coming years. 

In this context, the Board has decided to appoint Sebastien Guidoni, COO for the past 6 months, as CEO of Cartan Trade.
Sebastien’s mission will be to complete the acceleration phase of Cartan Trade with the challenge of successfully scaling it up.

Sébastien already knows Cartan Trade well and brings over 23 years’ experience in transformations and accelerations acquired in a wide variety of situations within major insurance groups and start-ups. Experienced in both sales and technical & financial management, he has demonstrated in multicultural contexts his ability to articulate, accelerate and deliver ambitious projects in an entrepreneurial way.


His approach, both pragmatic and human-oriented, is driven by the desire to build diverse, complementary, and effective teams. Cartan Trade teams are ready to take on their new challenges (continuing to promote the sales dynamic, maintaining & strengthening underwriting discipline, encouraging & steering profitability while continuing to invest in technology & teams) with the reaffirmed support of its shareholders and individual partners, all of whom are fully committed to supporting the project.

The shareholders and Board members would like to thank Eric Lenoir for his key contributions and express their full confidence in Sébastien Guidoni, and the Cartan Trade’s team to carry out their missions successfully.

New CEO – Press release


In evidenza

In questo caso d’uso troverete:


Perché i grossisti IT hanno bisogno di capacità aggiuntive?

Quali sono i vantaggi della soluzione Top Up di Cartan Trade?

Come funziona la soluzione Unlock Plus?


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Non classé, In evidenza
CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, nazionali e locali specialisti dell’Assicurazione del Credito Commerciale.

Una partecipazione molto calorosa, il team di Cartan Trade Italia , insieme ai membri del Comitato Esecutivo del gruppo (Alice de Brem ; Eric Lenoir ; Christophe Pennellier ; Sébastien Guidoni), hanno ospitato oltre 60 partecipanti all’evento annuale che si e’ tenuto al Museo Storico dell’ Alfa Romeo 🏎️, il luogo simbolo di un’eccellenza italiana , dove il PASSATO e il FUTURO si incontrano, due mondi che rappresentano esattamente quello che Cartan Trade vuole portare al mercato assicurativo europeo e italiano, il meglio della tradizione e dell’innovazione dell’assicurazione del credito commerciale, THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS , come scritto nel logo di CARTAN TRADE!

Sono stati condivisi con i partecipanti i brillanti risultati commerciali del primo anno in Italia, una partenza esplosiva che ha seguito il successo di Cartan Trade in Francia e negli altri paesi europei.

Grazie a tutti i partecipanti intervenuti per il coinvolgimento e l’entusiasmo dimostrato, al Country Manager Paolo Cioni e al team ITALIA (Zaira Scacco e Luca Mangione) per l’ottima organizzazione e il successo dell’evento.