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Launched 2 years ago and led by Eric Lenoir, Cartan Trade has established itself in the credit insurance market by adding capacity through a new, simplified, innovative and relevant product offering.This project was completed in record time. Cartan Trade now has a solid and recognised team, rapidly proving its credibility in France, Benelux, Italy and the United Kingdom. Today, Cartan Trade is opening a new chapter in its history with an ambitious new plan for the coming years. In this context, the Board has decided to appoint Sebastien Guidoni, COO for theSEE DETAILS

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In questo caso d’uso troverete: ◆ Perché i grossisti IT hanno bisogno di capacità aggiuntive?◆ Quali sono i vantaggi della soluzione Top Up di Cartan Trade?◆ Come funziona la soluzione Unlock Plus? Seguiteci su LinkedIn per ulteriori notizieCompilate il modulo e scaricate il caso d’uso: Avviso: JavaScript è obbligatorio per questo contenuto.

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CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, nazionali e locali specialisti dell’Assicurazione del Credito Commerciale. Una partecipazione molto calorosa, il team di Cartan Trade Italia , insieme ai membri del Comitato Esecutivo del gruppo (Alice de Brem ; Eric Lenoir ; Christophe Pennellier ; Sébastien Guidoni), hanno ospitato oltre 60 partecipanti all’evento annuale che si e’ tenuto al Museo Storico dell’ Alfa Romeo 🏎️, il luogo simbolo di un’eccellenza italiana , dove il PASSATO e il FUTUROSEE DETAILS ...

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Cartan Trade opens London office  – Matthew Wells, as head of UK & Ireland.Created at the end of 2021, Cartan Trade is the new credit insurance capacity provider, serving companies of all sizes, both French and European. Attentive to companies’ expectations of transparency, simplicitý and efficiencý of companies, Cartan Trade innovates on the market by offering a perfectly readable products range, whose management is facilitated by a digital path.On February 15th & 16th, after France, Italy and the Benelux, Cartan Trade, the new credit insurance provider in France and Europe,SEE DETAILS

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The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improve the state of the world, by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society in order to shape global, regional and industry agendas.The Global Risks Report 2023 produced by the WEF presents the results of the latest Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS), and analyses severe, newly emerging and rapidly changing risks that the world is likely to face.This 18th edition was written in partnership with : Zurich Insurance & Marsh McLennan.

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Change of CEO – a new phase for Cartan Trade

2 Maggio 2024

Launched 2 years ago and led by Eric Lenoir, Cartan Trade has established itself in the credit insurance market by adding capacity through a new, simp...

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Caso d’uso – IT Electronics

17 Aprile 2024

In questo caso d’uso troverete: ◆ Perché i grossisti IT hanno bisogno di capacità aggiuntive?◆ Quali sono i vantaggi della soluzione Top Up...

Non classé

CARTAN TRADE ITALIA – il nostro 1 anno insieme !

22 Dicembre 2023

CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, naziona...

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Cartan Trade opens London office

21 Febbraio 2023

Cartan Trade opens London office  – Matthew Wells, as head of UK & Ireland.Created at the end of 2021, Cartan Trade is the new credit insura...

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The Global Risks Report 2023

20 Gennaio 2023

The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improve the state of the world, by engaging business, political, ac...

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CARTAN TRADE ITALIA – il nostro 1 anno insieme !

22 Dicembre 2023

CARTAN TRADE ha festeggiato il suo primo anno dall’apertura della sede italiana insieme ai suoi Partner commerciali : i Broker multinazionali, naziona...